
Saint Patrick’s Day Party

Irski večer
Saint Patrick’s Day



BEER BELLY je petclanska glasbena skupina iz Kranja, katere glasba pokriva podrocja tradicionalne irske, škotske in keltske kulture od preigravanja znanih tradicionalnih pesmi do manj znanih irskih reel-ov, jig-ov, škotskih dud in keltskih pesmi starih nekaj stoletij.

DAN SVETEGA PATRICKAa (v originalu irsko Lá Fhéile Pádraig, “the Day of the Festival of Patrick”) je kulturni in verski praznik, ki se vsako leto praznuje 17. marca, na dan smrti svetega Patrika, (cca 385–461), glavnega zavetnika Irske.

Dan sv. Patrika je bil kot praznik uradno uvrščen na koledar katoliške cerkve na začetku 17. stoletja. Največji verski pomen ima v irski katoliški cerkvi, praznujejo pa ga tudi anglikanci, pravoslavci in luterani. Datum je bil izbran na dan smrti zavetnika Irske, sv. Patrika in obeležuje prihod krščanstva na Irsko. V zadnjih desetletjih je postal tudi praznik irske kulture in tradicije Danes slavja običajno potekajo v obliki parad in festivalov, kjer prevladuje zelena barva, ki je simbolno barva Irske in svetega Patrika, kot tudi okraševanje s simboli triperesne detelje.

Dan svetega Patrika je državni praznik in dela prost dan na Irskem, Severnem Irskem, kanadski provinci Nova Fundlandija in Labrador (za provincialne državne uslužbence) ter v britanskem čezmorskem teritoriju Montserrat. Praznik se množično praznuje tudi med irsko diasporo, predvsem v Združenem kraljestvu, Kanadi, ZDA, Braziliji, Argentini, Avstraliji in Novi Zelandiji. Dan sv. Patrika je s tem najbolj razširjen državni praznik na svetu


Uplifting songs,sing-along ballads,bawdy tales and a bit of the brew are trademarks of Beer Belly,a five-piece band from Slovenia.The aim of the group is to present the sound of Irish reels and jigs,Scottish bagpipes and traditional Celtic music through live performances and to surprise with arrangements of various irish bands as well as with the music of their own

IRISH MUSIC is music that has been created in various genres on the island of Ireland.

The indigenous music of the island is termed Irish traditional music. It has remained vibrant through the 20th and into the 21st century, despite globalising cultural forces. In spite of emigration and a well-developed connection to music influences from Britain and the United States, Irish traditional music has kept many of its elements and has itself influenced many forms of music, such as country and roots music in the United States, which in turn have had some influence on modern rock music. It has occasionally been fused with rock and roll, punk rock, and other genres. Some of these fusion artists have attained mainstream success, at home and abroad.

In art music, Ireland has a history reaching back to Gregorian chants in the Middle Ages, choral and harp music of the Renaissance, court music of the Baroque and early Classical period, as well as many Romantic, late Romantic and twentieth-century modernist music. It is still a vibrant genre with many composers and ensembles writing and performing avant-garde art music in the classical tradition.

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